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Whether they happen on Interstate 88 or any of the other major thoroughfares nearby, highway car accidents in Aurora can cause life-threatening injuries to every person involved.

These collision cases can be tricky to build strong civil claims around since there generally are not many traffic or surveillance cameras close enough to record what took place.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured through this sort of crash, you may have grounds to demand civil compensation from multiple people. However, without the assistance of an experienced auto crash attorney from the Law Offices of R.F. Wittmeyer, Ltd., you may have trouble getting paid the full amount you deserve for all your losses. Schedule a meeting with our legal team today to learn more about how we could help.

Common Causes of Highway Auto Accidents

When wrecks happen on smaller streets, they often stem from minor traffic violations committed by one—or more—of the people directly involved. However, highway car collisions in Aurora typically stem from factors such as:

  • Driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol
  • Driving while distracted (e.g. texting, eating, talking to passengers, reaching for an item in the backseat, etc.)
  • Speeding or aggressive driving
  • Not signaling while merging or changing lanes
  • Not checking blind spots before merging or changing lanes

Additionally, minor mechanical issues that may not have caused a wreck at lower speeds may result in catastrophic injuries at highway speeds.

While every vehicle owner in the state must keep their vehicle in reasonably good operating condition, a capable legal professional may be able to help sue third parties who failed to ensure a car was safe to drive. For example, this could include a mechanic who failed to identify and replace faulty brakes or a manufacturer who produced and sold defective ones.

A seasoned lawyer could examine your case and help identify who may be at fault for your injuries. Reach out today for more information.

Getting Past Obstacles to Effective Civil Recovery

Legal counsel can be vital in navigating legal and procedural roadblocks that might otherwise keep you from getting paid what you deserve after a highway car crash in Aurora.

Your attorney could ensure you construct and formally file your claim within the applicable filing deadline. According to the “statute of limitations” for personal injury claims codified in 735 Illinois Compiled Statutes § 5/13-202, this is generally two years after the date on which your injury occurred.

Additionally, your legal representative could help contest allegations against you for causing your own injuries. A court might agree with those accusations, assign a percentage of “comparative fault” to you, and then reduce the value of your final damage award or deny you compensation altogether in accordance with 735 ILCS § 5/2-1116.

Contact an Aurora Attorney for Help After a Highway Car Accident

Few other types of auto collisions are as emotionally traumatic, let alone as physically dangerous, as those that happen on major freeways.

Fortunately, you have the same right to demand civil restitution after a highway car accident in Aurora that you have after any other crash caused by another person’s negligence or misconduct.

Call today to schedule an initial consultation with the Law Offices of R.F. Wittmeyer, Ltd. Our compassionate personal injury attorneys could review your case and any evidence and help pursue rightful compensation.

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