As a leading cause of death for both men and women, the Law Offices of R.F. Wittmeyer, Ltd. proudly participates in American Heart Month to prevent heart disease and increase...
As you end to family functions or work, remember that you should not rush. Always leave a bit early. But we all have been in a situation where an unexpected...
Reports attribute over 40% of all fatalities in construction zones each year to falling hazards. Additionally, OSHA estimates that about 65% of all construction workers perform some work on scaffolds...
When previously discussing pedestrian accidents, we noted that children have a high risk of injury. Illinois crash data shows nearly five children are hit by people driving every day in...
Unlike the school buses that you may remember, many people have begun enjoying the benefits of a party bus. If you're heading to Six Flags or a Cubs game, you...
During the last week of March of this year, an Illinois juvenile suffered non-fatal injuries after being shot in a hunting accident. The accident occurred on March 30, 2018...
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), about 36% of hospital emergency room visits for long-term care residents are due to falls. The average assisted living facility accounts...
Millions of trips every year take people from the suburbs into the city of Chicago and back home again. Metra trains pull into many town squares throughout the suburbs. The...
If you survey a group of people and ask what season they believe house fires occur, most say “spring,” “summer,” or even “fall.” However, the American Red Cross notes otherwise. ...
Three months ago Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria devastated parts of the United States. Many parts of Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico continue to reel. Of course, their main concern...