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Common Misrepresentations from Insurance Companies

The application used to gain insurance coverage is often filled with personal questions. Insurance companies will then take the information you give them and develop a premium. Questions on the application typically include anything from medical history to previous accidents.

If you have been involved in an accident, and the insurance company looks back at your answers in the application and finds that you have misrepresented yourself, the insurance company could use that as leverage to deny your claim. Knowing what to say in your insurance application may be complicated. However, having an insurance company claiming misrepresentation is far worse. The Law Offices of R.F. Wittmeyer, Ltd is here to help you navigate insurance complications.

Does It Matter if Misrepresentation is Intentional?

Unfortunately, unintentional misrepresentation does not make any difference to the court. Any false information in the application process could alter the initial premium amount. Any information falsified – either knowingly or unknowingly – is considered material misrepresentation. Some instances of misrepresentation that insurance companies use to deny claims include:

  • Falsifying where your vehicle was parked (saying it was in a parking lot when it was on the street)
  • Your children can drive however are not on the insurance policy
  • You claim your vehicle has not been modified, despite information proving otherwise

When dealing with the issue of material misrepresentation, understanding that insurance companies could use an unrelated incident to deny your claim is essential. A straightforward claim could be denied due to misrepresentation on your application.

Avoiding Pitfalls in Your Application

The best way to ensure that you are doing all you can to avoid pitfalls is by accurately answering all questions on your insurance application. If you have any questions throughout the process, do not be afraid to voice them. However, insurance salespeople might not know all the nuances behind the application and potential pitfalls. The best thing you can do for yourself is ensure that all information is factual because even minor details could result in your claim being denied.

Top tips for avoiding mistakes during your insurance application:

  • Report everyone who drives your car
  • Accurately state where vehicles are typically parked
  • List the mileage on the vehicle
  • If you ever use the car for business, even if rarely, include that information
  • Never leave out infractions or accidents you have been involved in

Whenever something changes, be sure to update the information on your application accordingly.

Contact Us Today for Your Insurance Needs

If you have been injured in an accident and your insurance company is claiming material misrepresentation as a reason to deny your claim, reach out to our team today. Here at the Law Offices of R.F. Wittmeyer, Ltd, we are dedicated to our clients and ensuring their best interests are being protected. Contact us if you are in need of legal assistance following a car accident.

R.F. Wittmeyer

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