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Winter Pet Protection Tips and Recommendations

We have had a lot of cold and snow in Chicago this winter. After all of this shoveling and heavy coats, the Law Offices of R.F. Wittmeyer, Ltd. is ready...

Additional Illinois Shoveling Tips

As another snowstorm comes to Arlington Heights, remember that shoveling your sidewalk provides you immunity from liability. But at the Law Offices of R.F. Wittmeyer, Ltd., we want to provide...

Should I shovel my sidewalk?

Ron Wittmeyer here, personal injury lawyer in Arlington Heights. As you can see, we have had our first snow of the season. And that reminds me of a question that...

2018 Winter Safe Driving Tips and Tricks

Many people don't just walk through the winter wonderland anymore. Additionally, few of us take a sleigh ride. And if you watch the news, you would think everyone boards a...

Chicago Holiday Safe Driving Tips

We hear it every winter - this one is going to be bad. From the Farmer's Almanac to local weatherpeople, Chicago prepares for the worst! However, even with bad weather, people...
RF- Wittmeyer

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