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Additional Illinois Shoveling Tips

As another snowstorm comes to Arlington Heights, remember that shoveling your sidewalk provides you immunity from liability. But at the Law Offices of R.F. Wittmeyer, Ltd., we want to provide...

Liability After an Amusement Park Accident

Roller coasters, funnel cakes, and lots of laughter bring many families to amusement parks every summer. And you assume you don't need to worry about anything. Families can have fun...

Wrongful Death

  Wrongful death is a claim brought by a party against a defendant who caused the death of a close family member. A wrongful death action gives an opportunity to...

Hunting Accidents: Wrongful Death and Negligence Injuries

  During the last week of March of this year, an Illinois juvenile suffered non-fatal injuries after being shot in a hunting accident. The accident occurred on March 30, 2018...

Dementia Treatments in Nursing Facilities

Many families delay moving a loved one into nursing care until their loved one requires more care. Dementia is a progressive brain disease and with time, the patients become able...

Should I Contact a Lawyer After a Nursing Home Fall?

  According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), about 36% of hospital emergency room visits for long-term care residents are due to falls. The average assisted living facility accounts...

Is the Flu Evidence of Nursing Home Abuse?

Since the middle of December 2017, over 106 people have died from influenza. This makes this flu season the worst in recent times. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) claims...

Elder Abuse – How to Spot It

One of TV's most successful dramas follows attorney Jimmy McGill in his small-time law practice. In the course of the first season of AMC’s Better Call Saul, McGill uncovers a nursing...
RF- Wittmeyer

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