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What Is A Hazard Assessment?

I’m Ron Wittmeyer, and today I want to talk about personal protective equipment on a construction site and about the very first thing that an employer must do according to the OSHA regulations. And that is a job site hazard assessment.

Here are the types of hazards that an employer should be looking for, both in terms of physical hazards and health hazards. Examples of physical hazards include moving objects, excessive noise, electrical sources, and fall risks. Examples of health hazards include harmful chemicals and dust, biological hazards, and asbestos.

Survey and assessment of the job site

There are specific steps an employer must take according to OSHA regulations. The first step is to have a person with knowledge go out to the job site to do a general survey and an assessment. He or she must also assess the operations that are going to occur there and then determine the risks involved in both.

PPE to protect the workers

Next, that person goes back and organizes as well as analyzes that data, and then determines what PPE will be required to protect the workers against the hazards on that job site. That person must also certify when and where the hazard assessment was done.

Analysis of injury and illnes records

In addition, hazard assessments should be periodically redone. And when those reassessments are performed, the person making the evaluation should also look at injury and illness records for that construction site to determine whether there are some trends or other areas of concern.

Evaluation of the PPE

These trends and areas of concern can then be guarded against by providing something different in terms of the PPE than what has been provided up to that time. Finally, the assessor should also look at the PPE that’s in use and determine whether it is actually being worn and whether it is properly maintained and used.

Thanks for reading this post. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email. And please, stay safe and be well.

RF- Wittmeyer

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