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October NWSBA Newsbriefs

Check out this month’s Northwest Suburban Bar Association October Newsbriefs.

In this issue, Ron discusses his objectives as President of the NWSBA:

“We pledge to do that in 3 ways this year: 1) provide plenty of substantive law meetings and seminars to help you improve your legal knowledge and skills, 2) plan select social events, which provide you with networking opportunities for new contacts, and new business, and 3) help you become more profitable, by the work of our Law Practice Management Committee.” Visit page 3 of the October NWSBA Newsbrief for the full article.

Additionally, the October NWSBA Newsbriefs covers:

  • “A Day At The Races”, which benefits the Hon. Timothy C. Evans Scholarship Fund,
  • a recent EEOC decision on sexual orientation,
  • IRS Practices and Procedures,
  • an Elder Law update, and
  • much, much more!
RF- Wittmeyer

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