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Does the Insurance Company Have a Right to See All My Medical Records?

Insurance companies frequently request medical records when evaluating claims. The adjuster needs to corroborate your records with the medical bills you submitted for compensation. The insurance company doesn’t have an inherent right to view your records, which is why they will ask you to sign a release granting them the right. But without medical records, your insurance claim will most likely be denied.

Determining the Scope of the Medical Records an Insurance Company Can See

Typically, an insurance company will only need to view records of treatment received for the injuries in question (i.e., the ones you are seeking compensation for.) But it is not uncommon for adjusters to try to get a hold of your past medical records too. They do this to try to get an upper-hand in your case.

Claims adjusters will look through medical records to determine the value of the claim and to find reasons to deny your claim. For this reason, don’t sign a blank release giving them access to all your records. Instead, limit the scope by listing the specific providers who’ve treated your injuries sustained in the accident and the date range of the records.

You can also protect yourself by having a lawyer request the records before sending them to the insurance adjuster. By reviewing your records before they are sent out, you can make sure there is not irrelevant information in them. If there is, you can redact what information the insurance company doesn’t need.

Your Right to Medical Record Privacy

Don’t let insurance companies snoop through your entire medical history. Be smart about what records you release, and have an attorney review the release before you sign it. Protecting your rights when dealing with insurance companies is the key to getting fair compensation. If you want to learn about your rights, speak with an experienced Illinois attorney. An attorney can advise you of your rights and help you cooperate with the insurance adjuster without compromising your claim.

Even if you have a right to fair compensation, it’s no picnic going up against mega insurance companies to fight for what you deserve. So when out on the road, remember to drive defensively to reduce your risk of getting in a car crash or causing one. Also, speak with an experienced personal injury attorney if you need help filing a claim. An attorney can help you navigate the insurance claims process, so you get the compensation you deserve.

RF- Wittmeyer

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