Generator Safety Precautions and Preventive Measures
Although generators are a huge help in the event of a storm that causes power outages, they may also pose some safety concerns in the wrong conditions. Some of these conditions may involve the generator not functioning properly, even in the event of losing power. Here are some ways to keep your generators working properly and ensure they do not cause you or your loved ones any harm.
Best Practices for Use of Your Generator
Read the Instructions
Read the provided documentation when operating your generator, and reach out to a licensed electrician if you do not understand the instructions. Caution is recommended because you run the risk of getting electrocuted if the generator is plugged in the wrong way.
Keep Unplugged
Ensure that your generator is unplugged and left powered off when unmonitored and not in use to save power.
Disconnect Main Power
The main power in your home or business must be disconnected to use the generator. This allows the electrician and/or other workers to remain safe if they need to troubleshoot your generator.
Keep in Safe Location
To avoid inhaling the exhaust fumes from the generator and to keep yourself safe, place it somewhere outside of your home or business (i.e. your backyard) and in a dry location.
Utilizing these best practices may help you avoid or reduce the risk of injury or death when operating your generator.
Consequences of Misusing Your Generator
Misusing your generator may result in injury or death as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning, electrocution, and fire.
It can also lead to carbon monoxide poisoning, which may cause dizziness, nausea, and weakness. Carbon monoxide cannot be detected by humans because of the lack of smell of fumes. Therefore, you should install carbon monoxide detectors to be safe.
Before operating your generator, ensure that the generator is dry because the electric components within it can cause shock and/or electrocution. Also, when dealing with your generator, it is advised to follow OSHA protocols for grounding your machine so that there is no shock.
If you misuse your generator due to the mechanical components that incorporate the use of fuel, you risk starting a fire. So, keep a fire extinguisher handy.
Generator Safety and Personal Injury Lawsuits
After a catastrophic injury, an injured party may no longer have the ability to perform everyday tasks, and their quality of life suffers because of this. In the instance that someone misuses their generator, it can lead to injuries such as carbon monoxide poisoning (which can be fatal), burns from fire, explosions, and electrocution.
If you’re injured by a generator, the manufacturer may be held liable if the generator has a defect that could be argued falls under product liability. Reach out to the personal injury lawyers at the Law Offices of R.F. Wittmeyer, Ltd. for more information on how we can help you.