Side-impact car accidents occur when the side of one vehicle is hit by another. These accidents are also known as T-bone accidents or broadside collisions. T-bone accidents can lead to death or serious injuries for both a motorist and their passenger. Side-impact car accidents kill 8,000 and injure 10,000 people each year. Even worse, the most likely victim of a side-impact accident is a child. Even at low speeds, side impacts result in serious injuries to passengers.
Although modern cars are developing fantastic safety features, very little protection exists for a side-impact accident. Even vehicles that have side-impact air bags do not provide occupants with the protection needed from such car accidents. These protections become even less important when the accident occurs at high speeds. Regardless, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates these protections, if installed in all cars and trucks, would save hundreds of lives each year.
If you were harmed in this type of collision, let an Arlington Height side-impact car accident lawyer represent your interests in court.
Common Causes of Side-Impact Collisions in Arlington Heights
Among many causes of side-impact accidents are:
- Distracted driving
- Drunk driving
- Failure to yield
- Running a sign/stop light
- Uncontrolled intersections
- Highway accidents
- Merging into another vehicles lane
- T-boning into another car at an intersection
Common Injuries in Local Side-Impact Crashes
Unfortunately, victims of side-impact crashes are likely to sustain serious injuries, if not death. People riding on the side of the car where the impact occurs suffer the worst injuries. Many of these injuries will affect a person’s neck, head, chest, or legs. For passengers on the other side of the car, the most common injuries include head and chest injuries.
Neck and spine damages often lead to chronic pain, shock, and paralysis. These injuries usually occur due to the crash impact which causes whiplash. Whiplash most commonly occurs with accelerated movement after an accident. These injuries will affect the nerves and discs in the spine and may cause a concussion. Some life threatening injuries include:
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- Chest trauma
- Broken ribs
- Neck and spine
- Bone fractures
- Soft tissue injuries
Due to the severity of the types of injuries, it becomes incredibly important for people to visit medical personnel after a side-impact collision. A diligent lawyer could help an injured person calculate their needs for ongoing medical care and ensure that all past and future losses are included in a comprehensive demand package.
What to do after an Arlington Heights Side-Impact Accident
One of the most frequent questions we hear is, “what should I do after an accident?” At the scene, if possible, remember to exchange insurance information with the other drivers. You should also document the damagers to the vehicle with pictures and write down all of your injuries. When you visit a medical professional, make sure to talk about any pain or worry you have. If you are unable to communicate or document due to the severity of your injuries, contact a lawyer as quickly as possible and get any police records you can.
Contact Our Arlington Heights Side-Impact Car Accident Attorneys Today
If you believe your injuries require more attention, contact an attorney as soon as possible. They can walk you through any discussions with insurance companies and preserve any information you may need. The attorneys at the Law Offices of R.F. Wittmeyer, Ltd. have years of experience litigating side-impact collision injuries. If you or someone you love has suffered from such an injury, contact us today for a free consultation. Remember that many states have strict statutes of limitations of one to two year to bring a personal injury lawsuit.
After consulting with an attorney, they will discuss the possible damages you have suffered, which may include medical bills, lost wages, damage to vehicle, out of pocket expenses, and vocational rehabilitation. In some circumstances, other non-economic damages include pain and suffering, disfigurement, inconvenience, and loss of consortium. Insurance companies act as private, for-profit companies, and they may want to settle the claim for less that it’s worth. In many instances, an Arlington Heights side-impact car accident lawyer can help you negotiate with these companies to recoup your damages.