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Preparing to Fight: Battling Big Insurance

If you’ve been involved in an accident, you will most likely have to file an insurance claim if you want compensation for your losses. Whether it’s with your insurance company or the other driver’s, you should remember that insurance companies are businesses that want to make a profit. They will try everything in their power to deny legitimate claims and minimize claim payouts. That’s their business model, and it’s nothing personal.

When dealing with Big Insurance, you might feel like you are up against impossible odds fighting for the compensation you deserve. Filing a claim after an accident shouldn’t be frustrating, but it often is. Adjusters have an arsenal of techniques used to deny, delay, or minimize claims. They may immediately deny liability or try to get you to say or sign something that would undermine your claim or absolve them of liability.

To fight these tactics, following these tips:

Never sign a release or accept a check from an insurance company without speaking with an attorney first. By signing a release or cashing a check, you are releasing the insurance company from further liability. If you have lingering symptoms and need more medical treatment after that point, you cannot ask the company to pay for it.

Don’t provide a recorded statement regarding the accident until you’ve spoken with an attorney. What you say can compromise your claim.

Wait until you have healed from all your injuries—to the extent that you can—before you consider settling your claim. The insurance company might pressure you to settle before you have healed or have been properly treated. Although you might need the money to pay your bills, you could be cheating yourself out of your rightful compensation. Seek medical care as soon as you need it, and follow your doctor’s orders carefully.

Perhaps most importantly, you should consult with a personal injury attorney to determine whether you need legal representation or if you can handle your claim on your own. But if you have serious injuries or injuries that will require lengthy treatment to heal or if the insurance company is disputing liability, an attorney might be able to help you.

If you’ve been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, you don’t have to let Big Insurance take advantage of you. Becoming aware of the industry tactics insurance companies may use to minimize your claim and knowing how to undermine those efforts is half the battle. If you’ve been injured and are seeking fair compensation for your losses, you should speak with an experienced Arlington Heights personal injury attorney. An attorney can coach you on how to handle your claim while protecting your interests, so you can receive all the compensation you deserve.

R.F. Wittmeyer

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