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Veterans in Nursing Homes

  Many families of retired military members or veterans do not know all of the options available to them for senior care. Since May is National Military Appreciation Month, remember...

Dementia Treatments in Nursing Facilities

Many families delay moving a loved one into nursing care until their loved one requires more care. Dementia is a progressive brain disease and with time, the patients become able...

Is the Flu Evidence of Nursing Home Abuse?

Since the middle of December 2017, over 106 people have died from influenza. This makes this flu season the worst in recent times. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) claims...

Nursing Home Generators: Keeping Residents Safe

Three months ago  Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria devastated parts of the United States. Many parts of Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico continue to reel. Of course, their main concern...

Choosing the Right Nursing Home

When a family member begins to need a nursing home, most families have a hard decision ahead of them. While we all hope to take care of these loved ones...

Jacuzzi or Injury – How Medicare Handles “Dangerous” Nursing Homes

Imagine sitting in a large, luxurious arm chair next to a babbling waterfall fixed in Zen garden. As you look to your right, you can see a long hallway filled...

Elder Abuse – How to Spot It

One of TV's most successful dramas follows attorney Jimmy McGill in his small-time law practice. In the course of the first season of AMC’s Better Call Saul, McGill uncovers a nursing...

Illinois Nursing Home Mandatory Arbitration Clauses

Nursing homes in Illinois can ask residents to sign an arbitration agreement so long as it is drafted in compliance with general Illinois contract law. Although the Illinois Nursing Home...
RF- Wittmeyer

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